When business takes you away from doing the fundamentals like blogging or reaching out to others via facebook or twitter, don’t be so concerned. In the month of May, the topic of the month was Networking. With the exception of last week, I attended around 15 networking opportunities, had several one on one appointments and connected at least 20 people together. Talk about a crazy month. I don’t suggest this behavior monthly, it was a test to see how well my network capabilities were.
Some of the greatest ideas and connections came from networking with other small business owners. I now have a set schedule of just a 2-3 networking groups to attend each month and a whole list of resources. When you are this busy, other things are not addressed. Fortunately with social media, there is never a dull moment in getting your posts and tweets scheduled in advance. What a month!!!
Now it’s June and Diversity Solutions Marketing is celebrating the official TWO year anniversary. We gave away one island inspired necklace on May 31st and more prizes to honor our anniversary month is on its way.
As always, I want to thank our devoted blog, facebook an twitter followers.
Get ready for Goal Setting. June’s topic of the month will get you thinking about mid year goals and things you can do to reach them in a timely manner.
Take a breath, slow down and get ready for the summer month of Goal Setting.
Check us out on facebook: www.facebook.com/DiversitySolutions
Twitter: www.twitter.com/BizMktgCoach