I attend several networking events and meeting each month. My business has picked up since I joined and made committments to them. Obviously I cannot attend every single event that I get invited to but I try to pass them on to those in my network database. Listed below are two events this week in the DFW area that might be of interest to you.
Network Connections meets this week Wednesday April 17th at Picasso’s off the tollway and Frankford in Dallas from 1130am-1pm. Free for guests to attend. INDUSTRY EXCLUSIVE. Open categories include: Photographer, Business Coach, Auto Repair, Commercial Banker, Fitness Instructor, Graphic Design, Web Design, Printer, Handyman, Pest Control, Massage Therapist, Moving Company, IT/Computer Services, Realtor (Commerical and Residential).
Women of NTAP is having a Women’s Mixer on Thursday April 18th from 6pm-7pm at Picasso’s in Dallas off Frankford & Tollway. Free to attend. Open to all businesses.
There have been days where I attended networking events for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Wow that was too much!